

Right now I'm texting a freind on my phone. This is very boring. Hey, you people should check out my new gadgets. Like the fish and the daily puppy. And please comment on my posts! Iceman out!

Something new!

Yesterday I recieved a project in computer class to make a slide show type movie descibing a product. This would be a good time to make a mini advertizement of one of my books!
Well, Its almost 6:00, so I'd better get off my laptop. Iceman out!



I know I talk about school too much, but it's hard not to. Like, now I have to make a made-up movie poster for language arts class. Where do the teachers come up with this stuff? Do they just spontainiously say "I have a new torture for my class!" And when spring break is over I have to do this egg think for life science. Well, I've got better things to do, so: Iceman out